Vault Token

Vault token documentation

Token Description:

The VaultToken is a type of tax token that takes a percentage of taxes and keeps them in the token contract to allow tokens to be proportionally redeemed for Ether. It ensures a minimum token price based on past taxes. Users can redeem their tokens for a proportional amount of the Ether held in the contract.

Token Interface for Maintenance:

  • transferTreasury(address _newTreasury) - Allows the owner or treasury to change the treasury address.

  • changeDex(address _dexAddress) - Allows the owner or treasury to change the address of the dex where taxes should be sold.

  • setTaxes(address _dex, uint256 _buyTax, uint256 _sellTax) - Allows the owner to set buy and sell taxes on the dex.

  • changeVaultPercent(uint256 _newVaultPercent) - Allows the owner or treasury to change the percentage of taxes that are given to the vault.

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