
Charity tokens are a simple example of new features markets could include that extend past the individual business. Taxes taken from tokens are all converted to Ether and sent directly to a charity of their choice hardcoded into the token contract.

There are currently around 50 charities able to be used. Some have independent wallet addresses, but many of these tokens were gathered from The Giving Block. Because TGB only supports Ethereum, on chains other than Ethereum the tokens must first bridge taxes to Ethereum before sending to the charity wallet. A worker on Ethereum that Goat controls will prove the bridge transactions after a week of the bridge being initialized.

We’re starting with 50 somewhat randomly chosen tokens to begin with, and can easily expand this number as our UX for choosing them improves. Currently creating a charity token has a simple dropdown to choose the charity you’d like, so we did not want to overwhelm the creator with too much choice. We chose a couple programs for major causes.

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