Liquidity Pools
When creating a token, 100% of the supply is deposited into a Sushi V3 liquidity pool. The price it starts at is a $15k market cap to discourage cheap initial sniping that’s much easier with smaller starting market caps. All liquidity in this pool is immediately burnt so it can never be withdrawn.
Because pools are launched using Sushi V3, tokens are also able to traded on the Sushi website without any interaction with Dojo. This is only available for Classic tokens to start because of router additions needed for tax tokens, but tax tokens have this capability added soon. This allows teams to simply launch a token and pool on Dojo but tell users to trade on Sushi if they want to take their own path rather than continue trading on Dojo.
Liquidity pools do not have a certain market cap where they migrate anywhere. Tokens are launched on Sushi V3, stay on Sushi V3, and Goat, Sushi, and the creator profits from fees generated there forever. This ensures fees are generated even when a token is very large and should reduce the number of problems that spring up when a token migrates to other protocols.
Last updated